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Benefits and Features
#Just two buttons are used to operate the meter, for intuitive handling.
#Large and easy-to-read display.
#In- or out-of-meter for simple and comfortable testing.
#Safety features include underdosing alerts, re-dose option in 10 seconds, and test strip expiration warnings
#The visual double check lets you see your recent test result.
#Post-meal alert reminds you to test 2 hours after eating.
#Pre-meal and post-meal markers are available.
#500 test results are stored in memory.
#See averages of all blood test results over 7, 14, 30 and 90 days.
#Fulfills 100 % of the accuracy requirements of DIN EN ISO 15197:2003.1
#Date and time are preset for faster setup.
#Changing the battery doesn’t mean losing the date and time settings.
#Transfer data from the meter to your PC using a USB cable. You will need an Accu-Chek diabetes management #solution on the PC to analyze the data.
#30 % smaller than previous Accu-Chek Active meters with a 10 % bigger display.
For More updates : https://www.accu-chekarabia.com/en/meter-systems/active

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Registered on November 2, 2018

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Bangladesh, Dhaka City, Mohammadpur
Shersahsuri Road.

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